invalidTranslationPathErr = -3025 •Source type to destination type not a valid path unresolvedComponentDLLErr = -3004 componentDontRegister = -3003 componentNotCaptured = -3002 validInstancesExist = -3001 invalidComponentID = -3000 cfragLastErrCode = -2899 •The last value in the range of CFM errors cfragOutputLengthErr = -2831 •An output parameter is too small to hold the value cfragAbortClosureErr = -2830 •Used by notification handlers to abort a closure cfragClosureIDErr = -2829 •The closure ID was not valid cfragContainerIDErr = -2828 •The fragment container ID was not valid cfragNoRegistrationErr = -2827 •The registration name was not found cfragNotClosureErr = -2826 •The closure ID was actually a connection ID cfragFileSizeErr = -2825 •A file was too large to be mapped cfragFragmentUsageErr = -2824 •A semantic error in usage of the fragment cfragArchitectureErr = -2823 •A fragment has an unacceptable architecture cfragNoApplicationErr = -2822 •No application member found in the cfrg resource cfragInitFunctionErr = -2821 •A fragment's initialization routine returned an error cfragFragmentCorruptErr = -2820 •A fragment's container was corrupt (known format) cfragCFMInternalErr = -2819 •An internal inconstistancy has been detected cfragCFMStartupErr = -2818 •Internal error during CFM initialization cfragLibConnErr = -2817 • cfragInitAtBootErr = -2816 •A boot library has an initialization function (System 7 only) cfragInitLoopErr = -2815 •Circularity in required initialization order cfragImportTooNewErr = -2814 •An import library was too new for a client cfragImportTooOldErr = -2813 •An import library was too old for a client cfragInitOrderErr = -2812 • cfragNoIDsErr = -2811 •No more CFM IDs for contexts connections etc cfragNoClientMemErr = -2810 •Out of memory for fragment mapping or section instances cfragNoPrivateMemErr = -2809 •Out of memory for internal bookkeeping cfragNoPositionErr = -2808 •The registration insertion point was not found cfragUnresolvedErr = -2807 •A fragment had 'hard' unresolved imports cfragFragmentFormatErr = -2806 •A fragment's container format is unknown cfragDupRegistrationErr = -2805 •The registration name was already in use cfragNoLibraryErr = -2804 •The named library was not found cfragNoSectionErr = -2803 •The specified section was not found cfragNoSymbolErr = -2802 •The specified symbol was not found cfragConnectionIDErr = -2801 •The connection ID was not valid 1)cfragFirstErrCode •The first value in the range of CFM errors 2)cfragContextIDErr •The context ID was not valid = -2800 errASInconsistentNames = -2780 •English errors: errASNoResultReturned = -2763 •The range -2780 thru -2799 is reserved for dialect specific error codes. (Error codes from different dialects may overlap) errASParameterNotForEvent = -2762 errASIllegalFormalParameter = -2761 errASTerminologyNestingTooDeep = -2760 errASCantCompareMoreThan32k = -2721 •Parser/Compiler errors: errASCantConsiderAndIgnore = -2720 nrTransactionAborted = -2556 •transaction was aborted nrExitedIteratorScope = -2555 •outer scope of iterator was exited nrIterationDone = -2554 •iteration operation is done nrPropertyAlreadyExists = -2553 •property already exists nrInvalidEntryIterationOp = -2552 •invalid entry iteration operation nrPathBufferTooSmall = -2551 •buffer for path is too small nrPathNotFound = -2550 •a path component lookup failed nrResultCodeBase = -2549 nrOverrunErr = -2548 nrNotModifiedErr = -2547 nrTypeMismatchErr = -2546 nrPowerSwitchAbortErr = -2545 nrPowerErr = -2544 nrDataTruncatedErr = -2543 nrNotSlotDeviceErr = -2542 nrNameErr = -2541 nrNotCreatedErr = -2540 nrNotFoundErr = -2539 nrInvalidNodeErr = -2538 nrNotEnoughMemoryErr = -2537 nrLockedErr = -2536 mmInternalError = -2526 tsmDefaultIsNotInputMethodErr = -2524 •Current Input source is KCHR or uchr not Input Method (GetDefaultInputMethod) tsmNoStem = -2523 •No stem exists for the token tsmNoMoreTokens = -2522 •No more tokens are available for the source text tsmNoHandler = -2521 •No Callback Handler exists for callback tsmInvalidContext = -2520 •Invalid TSMContext specified in call tsmUnknownErr = -2519 •any other errors tsmUnsupportedTypeErr = -2518 •unSupported interface type error tsmScriptHasNoIMErr = -2517 •script has no imput method or is using old IM tsmInputMethodIsOldErr = -2516 •returned by GetDefaultInputMethod tsmComponentAlreadyOpenErr = -2515 •text service already opened for the document tsmTSNotOpenErr = -2514 •text service is not open tsmTSHasNoMenuErr = -2513 •the text service has no menu tsmUseInputWindowErr = -2512 •not TSM aware because we are using input window tsmDocumentOpenErr = -2511 •there are open documents tsmTextServiceNotFoundErr = -2510 •no text service found tsmCantOpenComponentErr = -2509 •can’t open the component tsmNoOpenTSErr = -2508 •no open text service tsmDocNotActiveErr = -2507 •document is NOT active tsmTSMDocBusyErr = -2506 •document is still active tsmInvalidDocIDErr = -2505 •invalid TSM documentation id tsmNeverRegisteredErr = -2504 •app never registered error (not TSM aware) tsmAlreadyRegisteredErr = -2503 •want to register again error tsmNotAnAppErr = -2502 •not an application error tsmInputMethodNotFoundErr = -2501 tsmUnsupScriptLanguageErr = -2500 1)tsmComponentNoErr •component result 2)telNoErr 3)cmGenericError 4)no error 5)ctbuNoErr 6)ftNoErr 7)cdevMemErr •Memory shortfall; alert user please 8)kMailMSAMErrorCode 9)kPMNoError 10)kQANoErr 11)eRTNoErr 12)tmNoErr 13)kOTNoError 14)kQ3NoticeNone kernelUnrecoverableErr = -2499 kernelReturnValueErr = -2422 kernelAlreadyFreeErr = -2421 kernelIDErr = -2419 kernelExceptionErr = -2418 kernelTerminatedErr = -2417